Law Firm Website Design
— Gilton Valeo —
Digital marketing strategy and dynamic website design for a Sydney-based legal services (immigration law) firm, developed to cut through with a fresh lifestyle appeal.
Mind Methods set out to deliver a powerful and impactful home base for our newly developed brand, a website that would be responsive and device-proof moving forward and also user-friendly from a content management perspective.
The existing website had been built to be mostly an online flyer, lacking an ability to easily utilise the blog for delivering SEO rich and aesthetically pleasing articles. With the new website we wanted to produce a powerful platform for broadcasting marketing communications good enough for readers to share or bookmark.
A brand planning exercise we had previously workshopped with the entire Gilton Valeo team resulted in a clearly documented brand report, forming the platform upon which a refreshed brand identity was built and that will now influence how all future creative is approached.
Wherever possible we moved away from the generic (and often bland) subject matter commonly used within the Legal Industry. Instead we pushed a lifestyle angle, communicating the youthful, modern and progressive side of the business. In our initial brand workshops, it was clear that Gilton Valeo wished to portray their business as being different from the norm.
We looked to the theme of travel as the inspiration for the website design. From airline aesthetics, to flight info alerts, to online booking UX, it was all the unique details that drove the design approach. The prominence of the ‘search bar’ was repurposed as their email sign-up form, an especially important feature with form fills decided to be the primary call-to-action for the homepage.
Key project items included:
- Digital Marketing Strategy
- Creative Strategy
- Collateral Design
- Concept Design
- Website Design
- User Experience (UX) Design
- Layout Design
- Social Media Messaging
- Website Content Structuring
- Website CSS Styling
- Photography Direction
- Image Treatment
Gilton Valeo’s previous website
New website by Mind Methods
A combination of select typefaces to increase legibility, a major issue with the previous website.