Tea of Life

Tea of Life

“We find our best results occur when we get together, get out the white board and markers, put on a brew and settle in for a brainstorm”

We’re always astounded at what nature has to offer and one product that we consume regularly is tea! 

Tea is goodness in a cup with various types of tea having many health benefits. Tea is a soothing drink for the soul. Tea can also be healthy for relationships, as putting on a brew is a great reason to sit together, take the time out and to have a chat.

Quantity does not always equal quality. Living in the digital and social media age means that we are bombarded with virtual interactions, however, it just seems harder than ever to find and engage in high quality interactions…ironically as a species we seem to be losing our social skills. 

Body language (physical cues) is very important and this is something that can be missed in the ‘virtual world’. Maybe we at Mind Methods are a little traditional, but we find that with all of the technological improvements, nothing beats picking up the phone and talking to someone, or meeting up and having a good ole yarn.


From a work perspective, as a marketing agency, we find our best results occur when we get together, get out the white board and markers, put on a brew and settle in for a brainstorm. Nothing beats it. The results that we get collectively in a few hours are priceless and are always well received by our clients.

One of the best ways to bring people together is tea. You can have a tea over any occasion, happy, sad, stressed, to rest. There is also a ritual in making a good brew and with all of the varieties of tea out there, it can be very exciting to explore new and unfamiliar frontiers. 

So, after all of this talk of tea, what are our tea flavour preferences? 

As a general rule, in winter we drink a hot cup, to soothe and to warm up the engine and in summer we aim for a cold brew to keep us cool, calm and collected.

Loose leaf teas that we have enjoyed recently include:

  1. Milky Oolong: a stunning tea with no milk required.
  2. Melbourne Breakfast: a full-bodied vanilla tea great with a dash of milk.
  3. Chai: great on stove with soy milk to ensure the full flavour explosion.
  4. Matcha: is a fine, highly prized powdered green tea traditionally used as part of the Japanese tea ceremony.
  5. French Earl Grey: Earl Gray with a fruity twist.
  6. White Ginger: bright white tea with a gorgeous hint of sweet spice.
  7. Very Berry Fruitea: best chilled, is a beautiful fruit tisane with an intense berry aroma.
  8. Packs a Peach: a sweet brew with peach, papaya, apple and roasted chicory, creating a soft combo with a big peach flavour. Also great iced.

    All of the above teas can be found at T2

So why not swing by the Mind Methods office and sample some of our selects, we can talk business, marketing, tea, music, basketball, football, food… whatever! At Mind Methods HQ we always welcome a catch up and a chat.


Article by Simon TokicSimon has a few passions including basketball, music and surfing, however, most of his time is spent as a self proclaimed marketing geek applying fundamental marketing principles in strategic and creative ways. Prior to running Sydney marketing agency Mind Methods, Simon worked on leading brands including Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Glad, Chux, Armor All, Clorox, Barbeques Galore, Anglicare and more.