Project Apollo Archive


Photos: Project Apollo Archive


For all the Science fans out there, all the Space Odyssey fans and all the Hasselblad fans, here are our favourite images from the Project Apollo Archive. 


Apollo was the NASA program that resulted in American astronauts' making a total of 11 spaceflights and walking on the moon.

The first four flights tested the equipment used in the Apollo Program. Six of the other seven flights landed on the moon. The first Apollo flight happened in 1968. The first moon landing took place in 1969. The last moon landing was in 1972.

A total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon. The astronauts conducted scientific research there. They studied the lunar surface. They collected moon rocks to bring back to Earth.

Learn more about the Apollo Missions here.


Article by Nathan Lee. Nathan is a Co-Founder and Creative Director at Mind Methods and has been delivering brand strategy since 2002. Nathan brings extensive experience spanning a long list of Australian and global brands across a range of industries, delivering outstanding brand, design, print and digital solutions.